Logos and colors
About colors and color types
CMYK is used for four-color prints such as advertisements and printed matter such as leaflets and the like. PMS is used for printed matter where you can and want to limit the number of printing inks, such as business cards and the like. I have chosen to work towards uncoated paper (U). Hex and RGB are used for screen display such as in the production of web pages and apps and the like.
Regent’s colors
R Regent High
When choosing a logo for print and in digital media, one of the two-color variants should primarily be chosen. Only exceptionally, when colors do not match or at clothing prints etc. can the monochrome variants be selected.
R Regent
When choosing a logo for print and in digital media, one of the two-color variants should primarily be chosen. Only exceptionally, when colors do not match or at clothing prints etc. can the monochrome variants be selected.
Logo R
When choosing a logo for print and in digital media, one of the two-color variants should primarily be chosen. Only exceptionally, when colors do not match or at clothing prints etc. can the monochrome variants be selected.
Where are they?
All the above logos are exposed with their respective names under Onedrive / Company documents / Profile / Logos